


We are Tom & Sarah Cockerill, a husband and wife duo (working together - for our sins!) and founders of Cockerill & Co. Our mission is clear: to make a positive impact on the lives and businesses of flooring professionals. 

Tom, an expert in all things Sales & Marketing (he could sell ice to eskimos!) and Sarah an expert in all things relating to Structure & Finance. We make a unique team that delivers exceptional results.

In 2017 we had a thriving company, seventeen members of staff, a 4400 sq ft retail store, 6 vans, two cars, a motorhome and we indulged in 5* luxury holidays at least twice a year.

To the outside world we appeared to have a great business, our turnover was seven figures, it was profitable. Then Brexit happened, we hadn’t been profitable enough.

All our eggs were in one basket. We had spent our reserves and when the “income taps” turned off overnight we struggled to turn things round quick enough.

Facing financial strain, we sought guidance from fellow retailers and mentors who were experiencing similar challenges. It was a challenging journey, filled with moments of isolation and uncertainty but amidst the struggle, we found clarity. We took a step back, evaluated our strategies, and began rebuilding using a simple yet effective framework. This same framework, refined through our own experiences, is now what we teach to others.

Today, we proudly oversee three thriving multi six-figure businesses, each providing multiple income streams. Our journey has taught us invaluable lessons, and we are committed to sharing our knowledge and expertise to support fellow flooring businesses on their path to success.

We personally understand the struggles that come with running a flooring business because we've been there ourselves. We know the feeling of spinning in circles, the isolation, the sense of being out of depth, and the constant comparison without a clear vision for the future. That's precisely why Cockerill & Co was founded—to offer guidance and clarity in navigating these challenges.

Whether it's helping a struggling entrepreneur turn their business around or supporting a seasoned professional in achieving new heights of success, we are driven by a deep sense of purpose to create positive change in this industry.

Sarah and Tom





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